Ultimate Warrior fala de John Cena e CM Punk

Ultimate Warrior falou sobre os lutadores da WWE, John Cena e CM Punk no seu Facebook, eis o testemunho de Warrior:

Sobre Cena: "I don't know John. Or any of the other guys. It's been a long time since I was in the business and none of them were there when I was, except for a few, like Undertaker. I don't watch TV or PPV's and I don't visit wrestling newssites. However, I was told by the top decision maker in the business, "nobody wants to go for the brass ring anymore, except this John Cena kid...I think, anyway." I've heard from other reliable sources that John is a hard worker.

"I know from my OWN experience that self-discipline, stamina and hard work goes a long way with a decision maker who can go longer and harder than 99% of talent he's seen come and go throughout the years."

Sobre Punk, com quem trocou diversas mensagens durante a semana no Twitter: "From what I have heard, he's got a good ear to his gut instincts and follows the music of his OWN muse. A man's entire destiny depends on how much he will trust these two virtues. Doesn't matter if wants to rule a wrestling ring or the world. If he will fight and bleed for them and guard them from falling prey to ANY other human being's advice, he could write himself a damn good-sized ticket, especially with today's culture being what it is.

"About Punk and the others, I say it is their time and let them have it.

"If a Superstar from yesteryear can't contribute in a way that allows the new crop of talented guys to shine and have their day in the spotlight, contribute in a way to let them Feel their Power, then they should pack their gear bag and go fucking home. Pack your gear bag and go the fuck home."

4 comentários: Leave Your Comments

  1. Este gajo nunca lutou nada e faz de conta que nao conhece os lutadores de hoje em dia. Coitado dor de cotovelo

  2. e como voce sabe que ele faz de conta? por acaso conhece ele?

  3. O quê?! Ultimate Warrior a falar bem de alguém ligado à WWE? No way!

  4. Não li o corpo da noticia por ser demasiado preguiçoso para a traduzir. No entanto, como leitor, tenho o direito de criticar as noticias que aqui são publicadas.

    Em Portugal, fala-se Português!!!!


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