Steve Austin revela nova temporada do Tough Enough

StevO WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin em entrevista ao jornal inglês, Daily Star revelou que uma nova temporada do Tough Enough está a caminho e falou também sobre CM Punk e sobre um possível combate entre eles.

CM Punk's storyline and SummerSlam:"I really enjoyed it. It was like a breath of fresh air. He’s telling it like it is. He’s got himself a good contract now and they are treating him like the top guy that he is. You know when you’re going along with candy coated storylines, and something organic comes along, it’s a good chance to make a lot of money. They threw HHH in there, and I just hope they play their cards right. It was an interesting PPV (Summerslam) - I saw Del Rio coming but it will be interesting to see it working out."

Rumors of he and CM Punk at WrestleMania 28: "Look I’ve heard the same things and I’ve said that were I to do it CM Punk would be the man I would like to do it with. All the stars would have to align for that to happen – it would have to be good for me financially, good for me in terms of execution and storyline. Obviously it would have to be good for WWE and work out for CM Punk too. I’m not starting up anything here, but could it happen? Yes. Will it happen? I don’t know."

3 comentários: Leave Your Comments

  1. austin vs cm punk ou austin vs goldberg eis a questão

  2. Who cares?

    This show sucks in all ways!

  3. "it would have to be good for me financially, good for me in terms of execution and storyline. Obviously it would have to be good for WWE and work out for CM Punk too. I’m not starting up anything here, but could it happen? Yes. Will it happen? I don’t know."

    nao é hipocrita e admiro o austin por isso , mas tb nao éo gajo que quer ficar over a força ele ate disse que tinha que resultar pra ele pra wwe e pro cm punk , quer dizzer quer perca ou ganhe ninguem pode ficar por baixo, acho que o austin era capaz de jobar pro punk , mas nao sem uma storyline que o nao descridibiliza-se ... mais o money


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