Eric Bischoff fala de Jeff Hardy e Ric Flair

Eric Bischoff deu uma entrevista ao Monday Night Mayhem falou do status de Jeff Hardy e Ric Flair na TNA. Eis o que ele disse:

Jeff Hardy: "I have no updates on Jeff Hardy. I'm not involved in his situation within TNA. I hope the best for Jeff. He's a very talented young man. He's a great guy. He really is. I haven't gotten to know him very, very well, but I believe he's a good-hearted individual who just got caught up in some issues. From what I've heard, he's dealing with them and hopefully successfully."

Ric Flair: "Ric Flair is out with a shoulder injury. I haven't talked to Ric in a while now, so I'm not sure what his status is. I know he's anxious to get back. I've heard that through other people. This time of year is very busy for me with everything that has been going on with my family, I haven't stayed in close contact with enough people."

"I hope to see Ric real soon. I enjoy the hell out of Ric, and respect the hell out of Ric. I love working with him. I look forward to seeing him back on Impact."

2 comentários: Leave Your Comments

  1. bLA BLA BLA sempre em Ingles. Testamentos maior que os Salmos

  2. aprende ingles triste... ate os miudos ja aprendam ingles desde a 1ªclasse


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