Nesse momento, várias estrelas do mundo do Wrestling vão reagindo à triste notícia, da morte de "Macho Man", Randy Savage. A WWE e a TNA já reagiram nas suas respectivas páginas oficiais na Internet, enquanto que muitos lutadores vão reagindo nas redes sociais, nomeadamente o Twitter:
Hulk Hogan: I'm completely devastated, after over 10 years of not talking with Randy, we've finally started to talk and communicate. He had so much life in his eyes & in his spirit, I just pray that he's happy and in a better place and we miss him. HH
Chris Jericho: Randy Savage was a true influence and inspiration to me and taught me some very important lessons,in and out of the ring. Rest in peace Mach
Bret Hart: I have no words to say. This one hits me hard. We lost one of the best.
Rey Mysterio: RIP Macho Man Randy Savage! Doing promotion in Seattle for Over the Limit ppv, was asked earlier today at a radio station, Who would I Loved to wrestle from back in da day? I said would of loved to hit it off in a 3ple threat, Macho Man, Ricky the Dragon, and myself! RIP RMS!
Tommy Dreamer: Randy Savage was the 1st person I saw piledrive someone thru a table. Thanks 4 all the memories. Hope u walk the aisle w/ Liz & Sherri again...
Justin Roberts: Macho Man...simply awesome. Incredible and entertaining in everything he did. One of the best ever. RIP
Christian: Sad 2 hear about "Macho Man"Randy Savage..Only met him once briefly.No doubt 1 of the best & influenced so many performers you see today RIP
Trish Stratus: Rest in peace Randy-my first inspiration in the ring. My prayers & condolences to the Savage family...
Shannon Moore: RIP Macho Man Randy Savage. One reason I loved wrestling.
Zack Ryder: RIP MACHO MAN. One of my favorites and one of the best of all time. DIG IT!

OMG! nao acredito! :O
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