Artigo completo de Vince McMahon sobre Randy Savage escrito para a TIME

"It's important in sports and it's important in entertainment to stand out. Randy knew that. Right away, he wanted to leave his mark, and to do that he was aware he had to make himself different from everyone else. One way he did this was concentrating on his outfits, those brightly colored costumes with foot-long fringe that became his trademark. He brought to wrestling a unique look and style.

"Randy, who died in a car crash May 20 at age 58, was one of the building blocks of what is now WWE (previously known as the World Wrestling Federation). He had a very unusual voice --remember his "Snap into a Slim Jim. Oh, yeah!" commercials?--and was extremely charismatic. Perception is very important in this business, and he also had a very high opinion of himself, something he needed in a locker room full of performers who had been around for a while and had big personalities and followings--like Hulk Hogan, Today, Randy is remembered as one of wrestling's all time greats. No question about it--he certainly was."

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