Batista comenta sobre a saída de Finlay da WWE

Finlay que foi despedido da WWE em Março após um incidente num house-show onde Miz interrompeu o hino nacional viu Batista que recentemente abriu uma conta no twitter, comentar o seu despedimento e a dizer:

"so im going to say this because i said i would elaborate later....and im sure i'll get some grief over it but i dont realy care. and this is completely the opinion of an outsider looking in. i only know what ive been told about Fit Finlay's release and i dont know exactly what happened...but no one in this world could convince me that Fit, the honorable man that he is, did anything that would warrant him losing his livelihood. i wouldn't have made it to the top without fit,and i wouldn't have made it through alot of the longass unbearable tours either. i seriously think that there's a huge void in the WWE without him. he isn't replaceable."

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