CM Punk e as estrelas do futuro

Numa entrevista ao site, CM Punk deixou algumas considerações sobre o futuro da WWE, no que às novas estrelas diz respeito.

Punk considera-se um dos nomes a explorar, frisa que Cena e Orton ainda vão dar mais e espera que Zack Ryder e Doplh Ziggler se consigam impôr. Elogia, também, Beth Phoenix e Natalya, por serem lutadoras e não modelos.

Oh boy, it's really hard to pick who the next big thing is and I don't really like saying "the next big thing". I think we've got a lot of great young talent - me being one of them you know. I think Randy Orton hasn't hit his peak yet, I think John Cena hasn't hit his stride yet, but as far as like talent that doesn't get their fair shake, you've got Zack Ryder, I think Dolph Ziggler will eventually come into his own in a couple of years.

Then there's guys that are down in developmental territories that are still getting [ready]. They're still working to even show their face on TV, so there's a lot of guys and girls out there. I always put over Beth Phoenix and Nattie Neidhart (Natalya) because they are pretty much the only girls in the WWE that didn't start off as models;they're wrestlers first, and they're wrestlers just like me - so I have much love for those two girls.

Fonte: Wrestling Attitude

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